How to Keep Your Summer Party Guests Cool

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Summer is the ideal time to party outdoors. But as temperatures climb, so does the need to keep your summer party guests cool and comfortable. Here are seven great ways to help your guests beat the heat.

Avoid the hottest part of the day.

If you can, schedule your outdoors event in the morning or later in the evening. The hottest time of day is between 3:00 to 4:30 PM, and temperatures are uncomfortably hot for a couple of hours before and after that period. If you can, steer clear of those hours, and your guests will thank you.

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Serve plenty of fluids.

When it comes to hosting a summer party, offering refreshments is a matter of courtesy and safety. While it’s considerate to offer beer, wine, or cocktails, remember that alcohol is a diuretic, so it contributes to dehydration. Make sure guests also have plenty of non-alcoholic options at hand. Infused water, Italian sodas, lemonades, smoothies, cold brew teas, virgin cocktails, fruit coolers…the possibilities are numerous and nummy! Encourage guests to stay well-hydrated by making your drink displays irresistible and accessible.

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Create a heat-zone gradient

As you plan out your event space, remember that there is no “one-temperature-fits-all” solution. Different guests will be comfortable at different temperatures, so your best bet is to create zones with varying degrees of sun and shade. Along with open areas where they can soak up rays, also provide cool zones by making use of features like natural shade trees, umbrellas, lounge areas, or outdoor fans. If guests are free to move between these zones, they will gravitate to their own comfort level.

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Build structures that suit your needs.

If your event space already has plenty of shade trees or other shade-producing structures, fantastic! If not, you may need to make some of your own.  

We have helped clients construct lots of different shade structures to fit their needs. Clear Spans, for example, provide heavy-duty protection from the elements and allow for effective use of air conditioning while also treating guests to a view of what’s outside. Less expensive alternatives like canopies, frame tents, awnings, sails, marquees, patios, and sunrooms give you many options for protecting guests from the sun and from inclement weather.

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Don’t Forget the Fans.

From enormous misting fans to directional blowers, fans can be lifesavers when the heat gets unbearable. Keep in mind that electric fans tend to be loud, so make sure you choose fans that won’t interfere with conversation. For less extreme heat, umbrella fans or personal hand fans may suffice.

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Bring Enough Ice.

It’s so easy to underestimate how fast a group will go through ice when it’s hot. For every drink you serve, you’re going to need ice to keep it chilled, but be careful to keep the ice used for chilling bottles and cans separate from the ice served in drinks. With people constantly reaching into the ice chest to grab a drink, that ice isn’t sanitary. Keep a separate supply of ice for bartenders and guests to add to their drinks.

How much ice will you need for a summer outdoor event? On a hot day, a good rule of thumb is to plan for two pounds of ice per guest, then multiply that figure by the number of hours your guests will be in the heat. For example, a three-hour party with 100 guests will typically use about 600 pounds of ice. If that sounds excessive, trust us: it’s not. Besides, it’s better to err on the side of caution than to run out of ice and leave your guests languishing in the heat.

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Treat your guests to cool party favors.

Personalized hats, visors, sunscreen, hand fans, or hand-held blowers are cute and memorable ways to stylize your swag while also keeping your guests comfortable.  

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Whether you’re planning a hot-weather wedding, corporate event, or private soiree, plan ahead and keep your summer party guests cool.